The Global Steering Team of the Global Great Commission Network (GGCN) is pleased to announce the appointment of Shamaev Vitaly Vadimovich as GGCN Central Asian Coordinator as of April 2019. Vitaly’s bio is available here. Contact Vitaly at
Vitaly first met members of the GGCN Global Steering Team in South Africa in 2010 at an ETHNE global gathering. From this time, Vitaly started looking for opportunities to be connected with GGCN. He saw it as a resource to help enable a disciple making movement in the region where he lives. With the appointment of Vitaly as GGCN Central Asia Coordinator, it is the expectation that a renewed commitment to the vision of the Global Great Commission Network can be ignited across the region.
GGCN Connection and Vision for GGCN Central Asia – Commitment from Vitaly
My participation in the ETHNE Conference, Seoul 2012, and introduction to the Global Great Commission Network helped me to focus on the need for a disciple making movement in my region. I have already been doing discipleship training using sport and youth ministry. I have a burden for the Great Commission, the unfinished task for my region, and the many avenues through which God is gathering His harvest.
The Global Great Commission Network has helped me to feel connected to a global force focused on fulfilling the greatest mandate on earth. I am increasingly committed and certain of the calling ‘Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.’ (Matthew.6:10). I am thus excited to pursue collaboration with other Great Commission ministries and minister through the Global Great Commission Network, GGCN.
I desire to see Central Asia and specifically thecountries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan connected and resourced with ignited agencies, associations, churches, networks and individuals making disciples of every people. We seek to mobilize, equip and releas every believer to make disciples locally and globally, from every platform. This movement must then continue until “this gospel of the kingdom is preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations.” Matt.24:14 The population of Central Asia is mostly young people under the age of 30-32. So we see great opportunities to make a difference on the top of historical momentum. My passion is to create a “resource bridge” between GGCN network and Central Asian Christian communities.
We are excited to see this next step in the development of GGCN in Central Asia, and we look forward to the collective voice of many in Central Asia to determine the future of GGCN in Central Asia as well as a global perspective. The GGCN Central Asia Coordinator job description includes the following:
- In GGCN we pledge together to promote the values of the Tokyo Declaration and specifically to cooperate with one another, and all others of like faith. The Global Great Commission Network desires to serve all individuals, mission agencies, associations, churches, networks or other ministries who share our purpose and values.
- The Global Great Commission Network exists to broadly encourage collaboration and partnership.
- The Global Great Commission Network exists not to compete with, but to serve and support other networks and ministries.
- The diversity of the global Church necessitates that the GGCN be a grassroots, all-inclusive movement.
- It is desired that national and regional expressions, including structure, of GGCN will vary around the world as influenced by local cultures, needs, status of the church, and much more. The Central Asia coordinator has the freedom to be prayerfully creative in leading the local expression of GGCN.