GGCN Africa WhatsApp Group
We desire to see a continent of connected, resourced and ignited agencies, associations, churches, networks and individuals making disciples of every people, and mobilizing, equipping and releasing every believer to make disciples locally and globally, from every platform – until “this gospel of the kingdom is preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations.” Matt.24:14
Every believer, from every platform, making reproducing disciples of every people, and planting self-multiplying New Testament churches, leading to multiplication of disciples and disciple making movements in Africa and beyond.
In line with the overall vision of the Global Great Commission Network, GGCN, GGCN Africa will seek to serve, not to compete with the Church in Africa, and encourage collaboration through the following avenues:
- Earnest prayer will precede, enfold and undergird every aspect of the work of GGCN Africa. GGCN Africa will raise prayer for the work of all who are engaged in fulfilling The Great Commission on the continent.
- GGCN Africa will promote the use of Connect as a platform to network with other ministries, churches and individuals. We will encourage collaborating entities to benefit from the trove of discipleship resources at GGCN’s website, www.ggcn.org.
- Convinced that the primary challenge of discipling our continent’s 1.3 billion people is the dearth of effective laborers, GGCN Africa will seek to multiply ignited laborers that can be thrust out into the harvest. We will accomplish this by providing contextualized informative, transformative and inflammatory training to (and through) agencies, organizations, churches and individuals willing to collaborate with GGCN.
- Serving in the world’s youngest continent, GGCN Africa will pay particular attention to collaborating with Great Commission agencies, organizations and individuals to mobilize youth, youth movements, students, student movements etc. to make disciples of every people in their generation.
- To help ensure that the Church in Africa is viable financially and able to prosecute the missions enterprise without undue dependence, GGCN Africa will seek to encourage the Church in Africa to prioritize Marketplace Ministry and Business as Missions (BAM) models for reaching and discipling the continent by equipping believers to thrive on their platforms in the marketplace, and to make disciples therefrom.
- GGCN Africa will focus on networking with, equipping and resourcing nationals and national movements (where existent) to make disciples of their own peoples i.e. nationals reaching nationals.
- GGCN Africa will help promote a global perspective for many inwardly oriented African churches and organizations to look beyond denominational lines, and to embrace God’s missional purpose of making disciples of every people.
- We will leverage technology to advance all of the above by harvesting the tech capabilities of Africans, especially believing youths (thereby channelling their skills into the missions enterprise)

The Global Steering Team of the Global Great Commission Network is pleased to announce the appointment of Ferdinand Nkweke as GGCN Africa Coordinator as of January 2019. Ferdinand’s bio is available here and he can be contacted at ggcnafrica@ggcn.org.
Since 2010 the GGCN has worked to build relationships in Africa through key leaders in various countries including Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Uganda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Zambia, Zimbabwe and elsewhere. Various leaders have stepped forward to represent GGCN in these regions. With the appointment of Ferdinand as GGCN Africa Coordinator, it is the expectation that a renewed commitment to the vision of the Global Great Commission Network can be ignited across the continent.
GGCN Connection and Vision for GGCN Africa – Commitment from Ferdinand
My participation in the Global Missions Consultation, Tokyo 2010, helped me gain a better perspective of the Great Commission, the unfinished task, and the many avenues through which God is gathering His harvest. I felt connected to a global force focused on fulfilling the greatest mandate on earth, and left with the certainty that the kingdoms of this world will surely become the kingdom of our God and of His Christ (Rev.11:15). I was thus excited to learn of the possibility of continuing collaboration with other Great Commission ministries and ministers, through the Global Great Commission Network, GGCN. Indeed, Tokyo 2010 was a fresh impetus for global missions, and not an end in itself.
We are excited to see this next step in the development of GGCN in Africa and look forward to the collective voice of many in Africa to determine the future of GGCN not only in Africa but in a global perspective.
- In GGCN we pledge together to promote the values of the Tokyo Declaration and specifically to cooperate with one another, and all others of like faith. The Global Great Commission Network desires to serve all individuals, mission agencies, associations, churches, networks or other ministries who share our purpose and values.
- The Global Great Commission Network exists to broadly encourage collaboration and partnership.
- The Global Great Commission Network exists not to compete with, but to serve and support other networks and ministries.
- The diversity of the global Church necessitates that the GGCN be a grassroots, all-inclusive movement.
- It is desired that national and regional expressions, including structure, of GGCN will vary around the world as influenced by local cultures, needs, status of the church, and much more. The Africa coordinator has the freedom to be prayerfully creative in leading the local expression of GGCN.
- It is desired that the coordinator will lead in evaluating the status of the church and mission community response to the goal of making disciples of every people in our generation and lead in developing a cooperative and effective response that GGCN can be a part of. The desire is to evaluate the local needs to energize and build a united response.
GGCN Africa – Go global – from Africa to the ends of the earth!
Leadership Programs
TIB are short videos on pertinent areas of Christian Living and Ministry.
SOUTHERN AFRICA MAY 2023 CONFERENCE: “The Urgency of Disciple Making“
Day 1 [May 1, 2023]:
- Session 1: The Role of GGCN in Disciple-making (Dr Ferdinand Nweke)
- Session 2: The Role of Women in Disciple-making
Day 2 [May 2, 2023]:
- Single Session: The Urgency of Disciple-making in Southern Africa (Prof Vuyani Ntintili)
How much of what Jesus paid for will He receive?
This short clip challenges us to join the harvest force. Please share.