
It is the vision of the Global Great Commission Network to post a broad selection of general mission news and events. This will include conferences and other events that are recommended by participants.   If you have information about local, regional, or global conferences or other mission events to include in this calendar, please let us know at Also, you can click here to submit your event to our team.

Another good source for mission events is the Linking Global Voices Mission Events Calendar.

The following mission calendars are focused primarily on North American events:

Missions Catalyst Calendar

Mission America Coalition Calendar

Mobilizing Equipping School – SVM2 – Chiang Mai, Thailand

Chiang Mai, Thailand , Thailand

The Mobilizer Equipping School is a one month program for leaders who mobilize and equip others in cross-cultural mission. Through deepening the spiritual life, rethinking mobilization strategies, grasping the foundations of the cross-cultural mission movement, and growing in understanding of the global needs today, leaders will be equipped to mobilize and equip others in the […]

GMC 2019

Sao Paulo, Brazil Sao Paulo, Brazil

SAVE THE DATE! GMC2019 will be in Sao Paulo, Brazil, December 2-5, 2019

Global Convention 2020 – Ignited For The Harvest

Eternity Ministries presents an online convention November 5-7, 2020, Ignited for the Harvest: Encounter/Empowerment/Enlargement. 6:00 PM November 6, 7, and 8 - GMT+1 Register at

BAM Global Congress – 2021


The BAM Global Congress Registration for a new ONLINE EVENT is now open for registration. This includes: Pre-seriew events, monthly online events from October 2020 to March 2021 Main Event April 28-30, 2021 Post-Series - Monthly worskshops and meetups in May, June, and July 2021 This is a unique program of events from October 2020 […]

Mobilization Coordinator Training


Mobilization Coordinator Online Training Dates: June 21 – August 16 Cost: Free! Language: Training is in English


International Day for the Unreached – May 28, 2023

We are excited to offer a suite of resources to help you prepare for next month’s International Day for the Unreached, May 28, 2023, Pentecost Sunday. These tools will enable your constituencies to make their voices heard so the name of Jesus can be made known to the ends of the earth! This year’s engagement […]

Great Commission Mobilization School

Chiang Mai, Thailand , Thailand

Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand Dates: September 4-15, 2023 Description: Do you know pastors or leaders seeking to influence their local ministries for the Great Commission? Then the upcoming two week training is for them. They will be equipped and empowered with tools, strategies and teachings to mobilize their local ministries for the Great Commision. Find all the […]