
It is the vision of the Global Great Commission Network to post a broad selection of general mission news and events. This will include conferences and other events that are recommended by participants.   If you have information about local, regional, or global conferences or other mission events to include in this calendar, please let us know at Also, you can click here to submit your event to our team.

Another good source for mission events is the Linking Global Voices Mission Events Calendar.

The following mission calendars are focused primarily on North American events:

Missions Catalyst Calendar

Mission America Coalition Calendar

School of Mobilization Theology (SOMT)

Chiang Mai, Thailand , Thailand

The School of Mobilization Theology (SOMT) equips participants with a Biblical theology of mission mobilization. Mobilization, as a unique ministry entity separated yet connected to global mission itself, is deeply […]


BAM Global Summit – 2025


BAM Global Summit  Excitement is building for the BAM Global Summit on 8 May 2025, and early bird registration is now open! This online gathering is a key opportunity to […]