Thank you for taking part in the Discipleship Survey!

Thank you for participating in the Discipleship Survey provided by the Global Great Commission Network.

As a next step, you will receive an email report that provides a matrix scoring of your responses.  We trust that you find this helpful.  The email provides a link to a report that can then be printed, downloaded as a PDF, or emailed to any address you provide. If the report email/link isn’t received for any reason please email us at

  • ?orgName={orgName}&isConfidential=true
  • ?orgName={orgName}&isConfidential=false

As a confidential survey, your name and email address provided on the survey you will NOT be provided to {orgName}. {orgName} will get a copy of the same email report that you receive at the completion of the survey, but without your name and email identification.

As a non-confidential survey, your name and email address provided on the survey will be provided to {orgName}. {orgName} will get a copy of the same email report that you receive at the completion of the survey.

If you have any questions or suggestions about the Discipleship Survey or the results, we’d love to hear from you.  Discipleship resources and training tools are available should you seek further help or contact, and we’d be happy to make any referrals for you.

The survey can serve any church or groups.  Let us know if you have an interest in facilitating a group discipleship survey.

Thank you for your participation and your patience.

The Global Great Commission Steering Team –