- Tokyo 2010 GMC Handbook and Resources CD
- Tokyo 2010 GMC Archives
- Articles on Tokyo 2010 GMC
- Delegates
- Name
- Theme
- Vision Statement
- Declaration
- Philosophy and Purpose
- Statement of Faith
- Sponsoring Organizations and Networks
- Board of Reference
- Planning Committee
- Regional Sponsors
- Tokyo 2010 Follow-Up Statement
Tokyo 2010 GMC Handbook
The Tokyo 2010 Handbook of plenary sessions, workshops, and supplemental materials is available for downloading.
Tokyo 2010 GMC Archives
Video files of the Tokyo 2010 plenary sessions and some workshop presentations are available for viewing and downloading per the following list: Click Here
Articles on Tokyo 2010 GMC
Analysis of
Tokyo 2010 –
Important Issues, Strengths and Weaknesses
By: Marvin J. Newlll
Overview of Tokyo
By: Yong cho
Review of the
Tokyo 2010
Global Mission
Consultation & Celebration – From Edinburgh to Tokyo
(Advantages & Limitations of Tokyo 2010 Congress – May 11-15, 2010)
By: David M. Hupp
Celebration and Consultation: Fom “EDINBURGH 1910” to “TOKYO 2010”
By: Enoch Wan
Tokyo 2010 and Edinburgh 2010: A
Comparison of
Two Centenary
By: Allen Yeh
A total of 968 Delegates representing 73 countries attended the Tokyo 2010 Global Mission Consultation May 11-14, 2010 in Tokyo, Japan. They were joined by another 927 Observers from Japan and served by approximately 550 Japanese volunteers. Click Here to see a delegate statistical report.
Global Mission Consultation & Celebration – From Edinburgh to Tokyo
Celebrating the Past and Embracing the Future
Making Disciples Of Every People in Our Generation
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
-Matthew 28: 19-20 (NIV)
The vision statement of the Tokyo 2010 Global Missions Consultation is “Making disciples of all peoples in our generation.” While this statement maintains the “closure” focus of Edinburgh 1910 and 1980-represented by the phrase “all peoples”-it also captures an equally important dimension of the Great Commission-the purpose of our going, which is to teach all peoples to obey everything Jesus commanded.
Discipling peoples is a process, not a one time event or accomplishment. It is something that has to revisited in and by every new generation. The often repeated truism that the Christian faith is just one generation away from extinction is a reality not only for the Church where it is, but for those seeking to build it where it is not.
Thus it is imperative that we continually ask ourselves: What kind of Christianity are we seeking to establish around the world? Is it a copy of our own-one in which we can’t even keep our own young people who have been raised in Christian homes? Or is it built on more solid foundations? The kind laid down by the Master himself, who took twelve young men, and said, “Come, follow me.” Or the kind laid down by the Apostle Paul, who said to the church in Corinth, “Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me-put into practice” (Php. 4:9). And again to the Church in Ephesus, “I urge you to imitate me” (1 Cor. 4:16). How many of our leaders would be willing to say that today! But that is the goal, and until we get there we are not fulfilling the Great Commission.
Making disciples is a three-step process: first by going to those who had had no exposure to the gospel; second, by calling them into a relationship with Jesus that culminates in baptism; and third by teaching them to observe his commands. There is an overwhelming need and challenge to the missionary endeavors to reach those who have not heard – the unreached ethne of our times. In doing that we expect to see the church planted and in turn reaching out to others. But the challenge does not stop there. Making disciples includes a process that follows to keep that new follower learning and growing in his new faith, what some call “spiritual formation.” The important thing is that there is an on-going growth experience. A new believer’s worldview must be changed; his lifestyle adjusted to increasingly conform to the image of Christ; and his ethical conduct increasingly marked by integrity. When transformation is apparent in these areas, that believer in turn is in a position to teach others also and thus duplicate the process.
The Tokyo 2010 Global Missions Consultation will look at how we can work together to finish the task. How do we keep the conversation going and develop cooperative plans to move forward? How can we make sure that every people is properly engaged by disciple-making teams over the next decade? How can we help strengthen missions movements around the world which are just developing?
We thus embrace a vision of Making Disciples, with a time schedule of the generation of each one of us. We don’t put a specific date on the vision, but realize that as we work together in love and increasing effectiveness and obedience to the Master’s plan, the vision is both reachable and Biblical.
(See Where Do We Go From Here: The Challenges of Tokyo 2010 for a longer discussion of the Vision of Tokyo 2010)
The Tokyo Declaration was adopted in
Tokyo and as a common pledge of Tokyo 2010 Delegates.
Translated Versions: Spanish, Portuguese
- Consecrate/Celebrate: Worship and Thanksgiving – reviewing what God has done in missions since 1910
- Commemorate: Honoring those who have served in the last 100 years – include martyrs
- Coordinate: Connecting mission agencies of all nations – promote greater interdependence
- Cast: Cast vision for the future – how can we work together
- Look at new opportunities, models & Strategies
- Bless the Japanese church & people
The Tokyo 2010 Global Mission Consultation uses as its statement of faith the historic Lausanne Covenant which was produced out of the 1974 International Congress on World Evangelization held in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Planning for the Global Mission Consultation & Celebration – From Edinburgh to Tokyo has taken place under the leadership of a general Planning Committee and a Japan Host Committee and particularly a partnership of regional mission networks, including the Third World Missions Association (TWMA – 1986), the Asia Missions Association (AMA – 1975), the Global Network of Mission Structures (GNMS – 2005), and CrossGlobal Link (Formerly IFMA founded in 1917). At the Asia Missions Association meeting in late 2006, in Ephesus, Turkey, Dr. Ralph Winter presented the vision of the Global Network of Mission Structures (GNMS) for a 2010 meeting in the pattern of and in celebration of Edinburgh 1910. Then further, in early 2007 at the Third World Mission Association Executive meeting at Portland, Oregon, USA, the strong conviction of the Holy Sprit continued to urge us to believe that now is the time for the formal initiative to take place under the joint auspices of “international” associations of mission agencies.
Dr. Obed Alvarez served as conference chairperson and Dr. Hisham Kamel serves as the conference coordinator.
Rev Dr. Penya Baba – Mission Consultant
Professor Peter Beyerhaus, Th.D, DD – Professor of Missiology at Tuebingen University, Germany
Dr. David J. Cho – Founder of Asia Missions Association
Dr. David Hesselgrave – Professor Emeritus of Mission, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield,
Dr. Sam Kameleson – President Emeritus’ of Friends’ Missionary Prayer Band, Vice President of World
Vision (Retired)
Rev. Dr. Sang-bok David Kim – WEA Chairman; Senior Pastor, Hallelujah Community Church, Korea
Dr. Paul Pierson – Dean Emeritus, School of Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary
Dr. Rev. Philip Teng — Honorary Presidents of China Graduate Theological Seminary and Alliance Bible
Seminary in Hong Kong; Honorary Chairman of the Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism
Alvarez, Obed
Anyomi, Seth
Barau, Gabriel
Bogosian, David
Boyce, Emerson
Cho, Yong
Hupp, David
Hupp, Mary
Inafuku, Elmer
Kamel, Hisham
Kim, Chong
Newell, Marvin
Okuyama, Minoru
Parsons, Greg
Smith, Don
Winter, Barbara
The Japan Host Committee is responsible for all the arrangements in Tokyo for the conference:
(Partial List)
Evangelical Association of the Caribbean
Faith2Share Network
GEMA – Ghana Evangelical Missions Association
India Missions Association
Japan Missions Association – JMA
Korean World Missions Association
Movement for Africa National Initiatives (MANI)
NEMA – Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association
Philippines Mission Association
Singapore Centre for Global Missions
US Center for World Mission
The Mission Exchange
WENSA (World Evangelisation Network of South Africa)
AMTM – Associação de MissõesTransculturais Brasileiras (Brazil)
Tentmakers International
Tokyo 2010 Follow-Up Statement
Tokyo 2010 was not intended to be an end in itself, but the beginning of a movement to see all peoples discipled in our generation. The Tokyo 2010 Planning Committee launched the Global Great Commission Network (www.ggcn.org) in 2012 as a network to pursue this vision. The GGCN has been working since that date to fulfill this calling.